Want vs. Need

Wiifit Gets a Competitive Cousin
So Kinect works—and better than I’d have thought.
Still, I foresee some challenges, the first being the space required to play some of Kinect's more active games.
Most of the activities I tried demanded plenty of movement—much more than any Wii game I’ve played. The key differentiator is that the player’s feet are now involved, which means we no longer stand in one spot and just move our arms; we actually move around the room.
I’d estimate that I was moving left and right at least three metres while I was steering the raft and a couple of metres forward and backward in the handball game. And that doesn’t include the two metres between my movement zone and the television—space necessary in order for the camera to get a full picture of your body and the area in which it moves—or my flailing limbs.
Want. +1.
Ten Clapping #getupandmove Pushups for @evanmacmillan
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Eat Ur Own Dog Food
If you don't use your own app on a regular basis, who the heck are you building for?
Try something new today. Something small. How long has it been since you did a somersault? Touched your toes?Walked barefoot in fresh early- summer grass?
Move. Today. Your body will thank you. So will I.
Ready for the Hospital? Nope? How about "Cave Explorer?"

Note to self: Reconceptualize the mundane. Each microcosmic moment of life can feel like an adventure.
Now excuse me, off to figure out how to make a shower fun...
Team Contagion Uniforms - Want One? We're Hiring
It was a long day, after we pulled an all-nighter. What can I say ;). |
Join Team Contagion. We're lookin...
Right now. For a front end engineer and a back end engineer.
Contagion is building an early-stage consumer action platform.
We are engineering and product driven, with an early revenue deal and passionate users.
-1 if you call yourself ninja, 10x, or some other nomenclature on your resume. Of course you're 10x ;).We'll be very picky about the right fit. Personal recommendations are the best way in.
Company perks:
- Join us for the summer in a pre-eminent incubator.
- Be part of the journey as we get an office, meet with VCs, and grow our core product, pushing further into the mobile and social spaces.
- You want to work on location? Sure. Game mechanics? Yep. Mobile/iPad development? Come on over.
- We encourage you to own and open-source any libraries or software you develop on which our core product doesn't depend directly, under your own name.
- We highly encourage side projects and don't retain ownership. The stuff you like to do is your stuff.
- "Inspiration" oriented work schedule and 4 day work week (Fridays the founders keep working - hang with us if you like). Our office is open 24/7 or work from the beach, coffee shops, the CalTrain.
- Gym memberships and work-out meetings.
- Don't get us wrong - we work hard, and we work long hours. The answer to anyone on the team asking: "Is X ready to roll?" should always be "yeah, yesterday" not "almost.
- Speaking of which, we'll move you out to Silicon Valley for the summer.
- Meet our Board of Awesome (Garry Tan of Posterous, Joe Gebbia of Airbnb, Stephen Cohen of Posterous Technologies).
- Interact like peers, not subordinates. Every engineer is a founder of the product. We treat you like one. Whatever part of the company dynamics interest you (funding, legal, UX, speaking/demoing) we want you to do that and learn from our mistakes.
- Hang at brunches and dinners where we learn from the best: Matt Galligan of SimpleGeo, the crew from GreenPatch, and more.
- Teaching Thursdays: Want to learn chess? Frisbee golf? How to interview? For an hour or so 1x a week Team Contagion members teach each other cool stuff.
- Champagne delivered to new employees, dinner with your significant others, hosted by the founders, Adobe-style.
- Salary important? Need a visa? Want equity? We'll work with you to figure out the right individual compensation package.
Interested? Get in touch:
@shazow (CTO): andrey@contagionhealth.com
@jensmccabe (CEO): jen@contagionhealth.com
Email resume and what you'd change about http://getupandmove.me to icanhaz@contagionhealth.com.
Good food, good fun, good friends and founder talk. So grateful to be exactly where I am, doing exactly what I'm doing. I'll feed you guys anytime ;).
Must Read: How Information Spreads in Online Social Networks (Social Contagion)
The online users are connected to each other via links of trust and utilize the features of the OSN to interact and communicate in an easy socio-technical way. Hence these virtual networks of social relationships have a high potential for influential decision-making and the word of mouth spread of information, but also for spreading fads, rumors, and erroneous information. The power of these new forms of social networks is also recognized by service providers, marketers and vendors of consumer goods. They would all like to (mis)use these existing communication channels to spread product placements, advertising and promotions directly to the connected users. However, just like the old economy businesses, not all attempted marketing initiatives are successful. Most of them fail or do not reach the desired audience.
SSRN-Spontaneous Diffusion of Information in Online Social Networks by Chris Russ.
Read it here: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1620808
How Get Up and Move Works...

Perfect summary of how Get Up and Move works.
Art at www.20x200.com. This print by Austin Kleon.
You might be a startup founder if...
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Dance with a Heifer, for Ben Rubin
Where Magic Happens
New team Contagion live/work space. Desk is a stainless steel impenetrable fortress of happiness and motivation. Gift to myself, courtesy of Craigslist and a great couple with excellent taste who are moving back to Sweden. They carried the desk up two flights of stairs and wished us well with Get Up and Move. Thanks Eugenie-we'll make you proud ;)