
Dear Awesome Guammies - It's Been Awhile...Now You Can See Why!

Guammies -

Thank you *so much* for your patience as we fumbled through figuring out features that will make your user experience better.

You gave us plenty of suggestions on how to improve Get Up and Move (GUAM) via Twitter, Facebook, and our Uservoice Feedback Forum.

Our challenge was to digest and categorize all those comments and figure out how to combine them into 'best use' design.

We're ridiculously pleased to announce our next big version is LIVE!

Amazingly, the "birth" of Get Up and Move's latest version occurred on the same exact day as the birthday of my newest niece!!!

Last night, while I was walking around with my sister Kate, who was having contractions, my cofounder Andrey was readying your new platform for healthier microchoices. 

At about 2am, my niece Ava was born (7lbs 11 ounces!). At about 2:30 am, Andrey sent me an email. Here it is (with some commentology from moi):

Dear Awesomes:

The new getupandmove.me is live. You must all invite one new person or complete 50 pushups. :P

A non-exhaustive list of what's new:
  • NEW: Improved Facebook-ish design for challenge lists
  • NEW: Settings page! (Customize how you login and send challenges! Create a bio so people know what kinds of activities to ask you to do)
  • NEW: Your connected social networking services now link out of your public profile (one step closer to being able to get a date out of getupandmove) Um. A date?! From a #getupandmove challenge? I guess stranger things have happened on the web...
  • NEW: A snazzy "friends" grid based on your social graph (Facebook + Twitter - you'll see familiar avatar photos on the right side of your screen)
  • NEW: Improved tweet character counter to help you with those snarky challenge completion comments
  • NEW: Improved permalinks to challenges (now the permalinks are the same to all participants, which they weren't before)
  • NEW: Better links in tweets with bit.ly'fying (now permalinks to a challenge, rather than just to getupandmove.me)
  • NEW: Various image improvements courtesy of Tracy, our amazing designer (@limedaring)

Invisible changes that are enabling us to build even MORE exciting new features you've asked for to roll out next month:
  • COMING SOON: Completely rebuilt the challenge schema to support group stuff, the next "big thing" we're working on for June
  • COMING SOON: Commenting on someone else's challenge is almost ready, launch that next week
  • COMING SOON: Our first sponsored challenge community! 
Please to ignore:
  • Notable increase of profanity in source comments and commits
  • Jen's rants about QA

It's constantly amazing to me what we're doing with a tiny, time-strapped 2 person team (and one of us taking baby steps towards learning Python).

*Please* keep telling us what works for you - and what doesn't - folks; it may take us some time to get your dream GUAM built, but your contact, comments and criticisms keeps us going on the long, dark, cold lonely nights :). 

Your friendly neighborhood technical co-founder,
Andrey (@shazow)

Your friendly neighborhood non-tech co-founder,
Jen (@jensmccabe)

Posted via web from Get Up and Move

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