
Good News for Young Health Professionals...

H/HC workers around the DC metro area will soon have a better option for peer-to-peer professional development, thanks to David Salinas & co.

I met David this afternoon (at a Starbucks in our neighborhood - a truly 'millenial' style face-to-face) to talk about a startup organization (drumroll please).

The new Young Health Professional Society (YHPS) is being nurtured through the petri dish stages by a group of sharp, driven, passionate twenty-somethings.

Why should you care?

1. It's the best option out there for younger employees to develop managerial skill sets from inside the industry.

2. It will provide the most qualified candidates for your open positions - but recruit us early...as experienced change agents we'll have plenty of options.

3. It will act as a forum for HC firms, policy leaders, NGO lobbyists, societies, nonprofits, consulting firms, insurance providers, Big Pharma, hospitals, etc. to give Gen Yers and Millenials an idea of why we want to come work in each sector.

4. The DC area generates an amalgam of highly educated, extremely motivated young people from all over the world - YHPS will be a centralized means of communication with this elusive and active group.

The YHPS website is in development - more news to come!

Contact: David Salinas, dfsalinas@gmail.com.

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